Ripsnorta™ Testimonials

24 November 2005
Vanessa Fenemor – Burlington Equestrian Centre, New Zealand

Firstly a big hello to the "Ripsnorta" team from NZ,

My business partner and I attended Equitana and came across your DIY rug repair product.

As a riding school operation with some 20+ horses (all rugged) you can imagine what our rug repair bill looks like each month. I am sure you can also imagine how many spare rugs we need to keep to ensure that as we take a rug off a pony to take it for repair we need to replace it with a spare so our ponies and horses are kept clean and dry.

Were we delighted to see your product in action – you betcha! And came home with a pot of the compound and a couple of packets of mesh. After wrestling the compound back from the NZ Customs officer, I think he had seen the potential! We finally put it to the test.

Two rugs, one canvas, one synthetic were borrowed from the horses and with the help of a 10 year old we attempted our first repairs.

I am so sold on your product it is not funny, if it was male my husband would be very worried.

Not only was it easy (never do feel the need to read the instructions), quick (I had the repairs dealt with – all 5 of them – in ½ half hour or so), effective (all repairs holding despite some rough treatment) but also efficient (the rugs were back on the horses that afternoon). And best of all the product was paid for in that one session and we've hardly scraped the lid clear of compound!

If you haven't got a NZ distributor lined up – then by golly I'm offering my services, this product would sell itself!

Best wishes

Vanessa Fenemor
Burlington Equestrian Centre

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